Absolute Freedom


Now I started to get Sartre’s famous line, “We are condemned to be free”. Absolute freedom means the rejection of all values -starting with the value of life. Personal freedom is a little bit more ease to get while, on the other hand, absolute freedom is much harder. The activist of our time either conservatives or liberals reject the values of the establishment. The establishment here, for the conservatives means the secularization of society while, on the other hand, for the liberals means the Judeo-Christian values. Therefore, by rejecting either system, liberals and conservatives become nihilist. By rejecting all previous values, the liberals aim to create new ones. But, the conservatives wishes to keep the old ones. This type of activism starts as psychological nihilism. Once it breaks into the world and become active, we can describe it as nihilist/activism. Activism is the last stage of nihilism. The battle the activist of the 21st century must conquer is the battle the revolutionaries of the 19th and 20th century lost. The activist must embrace the church of man and, at the same time, reject the idea of becoming gods. The revolutionaries of the 19th and 20th century reached the level of absolute freedom.



There is not doubt that divine authority still plays an important role in contemporary society. The divine authority is incapable of judging human actions. For example, we are not going to witness the destruction of the human race by a natural disaster like in biblical times. On the other hand, what we are going to witness is the judgment of history . History is going to be implacable with us that is for sure! Every action is going to be judged by history. At this point, it doesn’t matter if men and women remain neutral or active, we are going to be judged equally because history doesn’t recognize gender.

There is going to be a time when a person is going to reproach us that we, as a collective, didn’t do anything to change the world. In that sense, we are going to be condemned to the hell of history. People make history through action and, at the same time, when we are not acting, we are making history because passiveness is a form of action. Therefore, action should be the main idea society should value the most.



The Republic Of Night


I think it is time to recognized the undocumented workers in the United States of America. The undocumented workers became freer the very moment their oppressor stopped hiding in the shadows Republic of night and showed up his face to the public. As a powerful police force, the new republic –the republic of nationalist, wants to round up all undocumented workers and deport them in masses as if they are political prisoners or Jews during the Nazi regime. The idea “undocumented workers don’t have rights” is horrifying. The new regime –the nationalists want to take away all of their rights beginning with the right to speak. Because of all of these, the undocumented workers became freer. Because of the cruelty of the oppressor, the undocumented worker began asking question like, what does it mean to be political active? For decades, the philosophy of the undocumented workers was to work hard in order to give their family a better life. This is achieved only through praxis. In other words, the undocumented workers, as a group, is not a political force. The undocumented workers are simply workers. They live each day to the fullest because they know that the ghost of deportation is real. The ghost of the deportation, which in happier times the undocumented workers artfully forget, now is the object their concern. The wall, once forgotten, now is a remainder the oppressor wants to put in front of their faces. The insipid face the undocumented workers watch on T.V. every night telling them that they are different, and they need to go back home. The undocumented workers experience the deportation as if they are exiled because the United States is their home too. The undocumented workers have to embrace freedom and fight their inferiority complex. By doing this, the undocumented workers accept their responsibility that they were victims of historical events that forced them to immigrate to the United States. They are the victims of the United States Foreign Policy. Work is the main concern of the undocumented workers. While, on the other hand, the main concern of the nationalists is to bring back the old republic; the republic of night and shadows.

From The Journal of a Free Man.

Is it that the free man does never feel like he is at home? For the Christian, feeling at home is not a question since he has accepted the kingdom of God. But, for the one that has rejected the kingdom of God and chose to live according to his own rules, the feeling of feel at home is denied. A free spirit of a free consciousness is the one who suffers from anguish and despair. In order to construct a world, man must reject the kingdom of God. Once he does that, he becomes responsible for every living and non-living thing in the world. The death of God transferred, to the intellectual and the common man, an extraordinary responsibility. Since the free man has denied the kingdom of God, he is now responsible for every human life lost in wars or poverty. In order to understand how man denied the kingdom of God and wanted to replace his kingdom by the kingdom of man, we need to look at the revolutions that took place in the previous centuries and the social movements of the 20th century. There is no doubt that in the 20th century was the century of the consolidation of man as the new ruler or his final destruction. What is interesting is that the men of the 20th century took the initiative to controlled and stablished his kingdom in the Western world. He displaced God out of the realm of action which is the realm of responsibility.


The history of man is a story of crime and murder. Man had to murder God in the 18th century in order to become free. So, if man wanted to become a god, he needed to die like every god. That event took place in 1966 when Michel Foucault said, “Man is dead”. Man had to die like the Christian God in order to rise from death and become a deity. Man is another story of a messiah who once walked on earth. The tragic of this new god is that he didn’t only stole good from God, but he also stole evil. Now, we are living in a world where good and evil belongs to the new god which is man. Therefore, good and evil had lost their divine origin. One of the reasons God cannot interfere in human affairs is that evil is not more a divine force, but the result of human activity. Evil lost its metaphysical origin and became the result of a bureaucratic world. In other words, there is no metaphysical evil in poverty. This kind of evil can’t be destroyed by divine force but by human action.

Essay One – Intro.

What I want you to understand from the first part of this essay is that I had a misconception of Nietzsche’s philosophy for a long time. I thought that Nietzsche formulated the death of God. Also, I thought that Nietzsche was O.K. with that idea. Now, I am starting to understand that he was only analyzing the consequences of the death of God. By the 19th century it was evident that God was dead. What Nietzsche did was to explore and try to understand this event in Europe. If we notice history, in the Americas was a totally different history. In this part of the world, God was more alive than ever before. The death of God took place in Europe and only in the intellectual world. It was not the case that the death of God was a phenomenon known by the common man. For Nietzsche, the death of God was a fact. He saw the death of God in the soul of his contemporaries. The death of God, for Nietzsche, was a chaos. And chaos, for him, was a good thing. Although, it was not a placent news. One thing about Nietzsche is that many atheists uses him against God and Christianity. But, Nietzsche was only against the Christian morality. I think that we need to reread Nietzsche’s philosophy and use him only against the Christian morality. Nietzsche was not against Jesus Christ. Now, this doesn’t mean that we are going to use his philosophy to justify the existence of God. If we do that, we are going against his central teachings.

October 20th 1997.


Twenty years ago a man named Ernesto was visiting Cold-Water Wisconsin. The man was returning from a long trip. He traveled to Germany and spent most of his young-adult life there. He came back to the small town of Cold-Water because his mother was dying. He didn’t have a good relationship with his mother and his family. But the reason he came back was because he was going to receive money once his mother die. The day he came back to Cold-Water was October 20th, 1997. He was hopping that his mother will die soon so he could go bock to Germany and reunited with the love of his life. His mother die in the morning of October 21st of the same year at 6:00 am. He wasn’t there at the time his mother die. He was visiting an old friend from hight school that night before. He, also, stayed at his friend house because he was too tired to go and visit his mother at the hospital. That morning at 6:05 am his cell phone rang. A voice told him that his mother died a few minuted ago. Twenty minutes later he die of happiness.

The Rebel of the 21st Century


The question that I am trying to answer is, who is the rebel of the 21st century? Also, we are going to investigate the relationship between the 19th and 20th century philosophers with the rebel of the 21st century. We are going to see philosopher of the Enlightenment, Idealism, Existentialism, and Post-modernism. The rebel of the 21st century is a direct result of all of these philosophies. The 19th century was the century of revolutionary ideas, and the 20th century of revolutionaries. So, our task is to discover where is the 21st century going to be about. Against whom does the revel of the 21st century is going to fight? Perhaps, we may have an idea of what the 21st century is going to be about. We can see a revolt in the areas of politics and the environment. Many people are already writing about these issues now days. Our task is to identify the historical and metaphysical events that made this possible.

The rebel is a nihilist person. It doesn’t matter if the rebel is a theist or atheist. The rebel, deep in his or hers heart, is a nihilist through and through. The fundamental idea that we are going to explore here is that the rebel all the time wants to destroy in order to create something new. The rebel all the time sees the establishment as his enemy therefore he wants to destroy it. The question is how is he going to do that.

We need to make the distinction between the conservative nihilist and the liberal nihilist. The one thing that they both have in common is that they hate the establishment. The conservative hates the secular humanism and the liberal hates dogmatic religious views. Also, they possess a militant attitude.

The 21st century is not going to be a century of revolutionary ideas nor of revolutionaries. This century is going to be the century of activist.


Many people, who read Nietzsche, find different meanings in his philosophy. For example, the word creativity has different meaning for people who read Nietzsche. I include myself among this group of people. At first, I thought that Nietzsche was talking about creating new things only in the sense of artistic values. For example, make your life a work of art: use your happiness or sorrow to create art out of them. But this word “creation” has also a different meaning. A meaning with more political reasons behind it. In order to understand this, we need to acknowledge the fact that Nietzsche believed that God was dead, for him it was a fact. This implies a lot of things. From this point of view, the 20th century man inherit a world that needed to be created. In other words, men needed to create a new world, a world without God, and submit to the god of the philosophers which is reason.

This is a work in progress. In this part of my essay, “The Rebel of the Twenty First Century”, I am going to explain how Nietzsche’s philosophy influenced the man of the 20th century.